Christian Mommy Blogger: The Goal of Feminists is “Destroying Monogamy” June 10, 2021

Christian Mommy Blogger: The Goal of Feminists is “Destroying Monogamy”

Christian blogger and professional mommy-shamer Lori Alexander (a.k.a. “The Transformed Wife”), who believes feminism is “Satanic,” is still demonizing (ha) women who dare to make decisions for themselves.

Sticking with the straw (wo)man she’s created, Alexander says the next item on the feminist agenda is to destroy monogamy. Apparently no feminist wants to be in a monogamous relationships… which may come as a shock to many of them.

Where is she getting this information from? The same place where all well-informed people get their information: YouTube! (It’s not even a new video. She’s commenting on a lecture from 2018.)

She summarizes the video in question:

The goal of the feminist movement was to destroy the family by destroying the American Patriarchy. How? By destroying monogamy through promiscuity, pornography, prostitution, and homosexuality. These were the goals of NOW from the beginning. They needed the utter deconstruction of society by infiltrating every area of influence in America. They have effectively conquered their goal. The biblical model of a family is rare these days.

The leaders of feminism believed that a monogamous, heterosexual marriage was oppressive.

Many of the earlier well-known feminist pioneers were married Christian women, not godless liberals attempting to sexualize everything in sight or whoever Alexander thinks they were. If there’s one thing that summarizes the past and present feminist movement across the board — from religious to non-religious feminists alike — it’s agency: the ability for women to have a say in their own future. That means freely choosing to marry… or not. Freely choosing motherhood… or not. Freely choosing to work outside the home or be a stay-at-home parent. There are no “rules” as to what feminists can or cannot do, so long as those choices are made freely.

To pretend that the goal — or even a goal — of feminism is to take monogamy off the table suggest a complete misunderstanding of the movement. Unfortunately, those facts don’t make for compelling blog fodder in Alexander’s circles.

She concludes:

Too many women are willing to try and abdicate men’s roles. We must be careful to never do this. It’s already hard enough as it is for men in this feminized culture. We don’t need to make it any harder. Build up the men in your life, especially your husband. Allow him to lead, since he is your God-ordained leader. Be the wife that God has called you to be and create a beautiful home by keeping it clean and tidy inhabited by a godly wife with a meek and quiet spirit.

In God’s eyes, she says, women must be quiet, neat, and always deferential to men. Honestly, if that’s the picture Alexander paints of marriage, she may be doing more to drive women away from it than the feminists she’s complaining about. Thankfully, though, she’s wrong. It’s not impossible for women to work, raise children, and support their spouse. The reverse is also true, and those things become (somewhat) easier to do when two people are working together.

You would hope Alexander praises the women who can proverbially do it all. But no. The women who help their families outside the very narrow mold she’s created for them are automatically enemies.

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