Pastor Accidentally Says “Marriage is Between One Man and One Husband” April 24, 2021

Pastor Accidentally Says “Marriage is Between One Man and One Husband”

This is just amusing.

During a sermon earlier this month, Pastor Kris Dillingham of Ohio’s First Apostolic Church was talking all about immorality in our culture when he decided he’d go all in on why homosexuality was wrong.

In the process, he slipped up.

I believe that marriage is between one man and one husband.

No. No no no. One man and one woman. Sorry! My ADD was kicking in! I was going on…

One man and one woman. Edit that! Remove that out! One husband, one wife. One man, one woman. Jesus!

Just when you’re on a roll and the anointing of God is moving you, you say something stupid — bless God.

Cory, if you send this out to anybody, I promise you…! [Laughter] Yeah, you all were clapping and… I could say anything and y’all would just… Yeah, you know what I meant! One man and one woman. I believe in that!

The irony is that he accidentally said something not bigoted… then caught himself… then had to back up to make sure everyone knows he’s a horrible person. And he even admits the audience was more caught up in the moment and not necessarily listening to his every word. Which is a more damning admission than I’m sure he intended.

Obviously, it was a slip of the tongue. Yet it reveals plenty about this church’s (lack of) values.

(via Christian Nightmares)

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