This “Very Catchy Song” Is Meant to Turn You Into a Creationist March 18, 2021

This “Very Catchy Song” Is Meant to Turn You Into a Creationist

You would think with new technology, Christian media would be getting better and better with its propaganda.

Nope! As if to prove that point, Creationist Ken Ham just pointed people to a song created by Answers in Genesis’ “artist in residence” Steve Hess explaining how God created the universe in six days. (Answer? Because. That’s why.)

Hey, if I had to listen to this, so do you. (Click on the image to see the video.)

It’s the typical Creationist formula: Never give answers. Just keep repeating the lie until kids too young to think critically are able to regurgitate it.

But even Christian songs tend to be better than this garbage, which Ham describes — I shit you not — as a “very catchy song.” With taste like that, I can’t understand why attendance numbers at Ark Encounter are so low…

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