TX Pastor Who Ignored Abuse in His Church Denounces Biden and “Jezebel Harris” January 29, 2021

TX Pastor Who Ignored Abuse in His Church Denounces Biden and “Jezebel Harris”

Conservative churches are not handling the new presidency well. But rather than complain about the executive orders that go against their deeply held beliefs — Prioritizing climate change! Bringing refugee families back together! Strengthening women’s health care! — Pastor Steve Swofford of First Baptist Church in Rockwall, Texas is taking the insult comic approach:

Now we’re gonna have a newly elected, cognitively dysfunctional president. And what if something happens to him? Then Jezebel has to take over. Jezebel Harris, isn’t that her name?

Amazing that the people who supported years of cruelty and ignorance are hurling charges of cognitive dysfunction based on… what? A stutter? Some out-of-context clips? Nothing. Just hate. That’s what fuels Christians like these.

Swofford isn’t one to talk about evil, given that the Houston Chronicle once described him as a guy who ignored “allegations that a former youth pastor and the youth pastor’s assistant each molested prepubescent boys from his own church in the 1990s.” It led to one victim’s suicide.

He’s also a past president of the Southern Baptist Convention of Texas as well as a former executive committee member of the Southern Baptist Convention (overall).

But instead of resigning from his current post, Swofford is still in the pulpit lying about Democrats because he can’t be honest about himself.

(via Christian Nightmares)

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