Lying Preacher: Heaven Says Trump is the “Government Leader on Planet Earth” January 28, 2021

Lying Preacher: Heaven Says Trump is the “Government Leader on Planet Earth”

Pastor Johnny Enlow, who once said our nation’s future would involve the terms B.T. and A.T. (“Before Trump” and “After Trump”), that QAnon was “going to be proven so thoroughly,” and that the score of the College Football Championship was a sign that Trump would remain in power, is still spreading conspiracy theories.

This time, he’s saying Trump is still president… according to Heaven.

“There’s all these dimensions that the Lord is coming to affect and change right now, and President Trump still has a very active, viable role in that,” Enlow said. “Believe me, God is doing things with him, and I won’t go into it more than that. But he’s not a passive player; he is recognized from Heaven [as] the primary government leader on planet Earth. People need to know that. From Heaven, President Trump is recognized as the primary government leader on planet Earth.

Forget the popular vote. Forget even the Electoral College. All that matters now is whatever the courts (?) of Heaven say.

Enlow should go even further and tell conservative Christians to just stay home for all future elections since God’s got everything under control. Not only would that mean following his own advice, he’d actually be doing everyone a favor. But he won’t ever say that because even he knows he’s full of shit.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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