Prayer Group Tells God to “Fight” Justice John Roberts If He Won’t “Bow to You” January 8, 2021

Prayer Group Tells God to “Fight” Justice John Roberts If He Won’t “Bow to You”

The group Intercessors for America singled out Chief Justice John Roberts earlier this week and prayed to God that he “bow to You,” and if he doesn’t, then there needs to be a battle.

Father, we pray that Chief Justice John Roberts would uphold the Constitution in all things.

Let all his decisions be fair, and not influenced by any unholy or personal preferences. Let him rule in every decision as You desire him to rule.

We ask You to extend his judgeship if he will judge fairly and rightly. However, Father, if Justice Roberts kicks against Your goads and refuses to bow to You, we ask You to fight against him however You deem necessary in order to preserve the integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Roberts is Catholic. There’s no reason to think he needs any guidance on matters of religion. There’s no fight that needs to happen.

So why target Roberts and not the other justices? Probably because he’s been at the center of a number of right-wing conspiracy theories.

Or maybe it’s because Roberts’ support of the Affordable Care Act and his vote upholding the rights of LGBTQ people in the workplace has deemed him insufficiently conservative to right-wing Christians. As Right Wing Watch points out, Intercessors for America has promoted various “Stop the Steal” events in response to Joe Biden‘s election victory.

Perhaps they should focus more on their own inability to accept what’s true before pointing fingers at others.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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