Christian Speaker at Trump Rally: “Hug Somebody… It’s a Mass-Spreader Event!” January 6, 2021

Christian Speaker at Trump Rally: “Hug Somebody… It’s a Mass-Spreader Event!”

During the anti-democracy rally in Washington, D.C. yesterday, conservative podcaster Clay Clark told the audience to ignore any kind of social distancing and give strangers hugs, even mocking the pandemic and calling the action a “mass-spreader event.”

“Turn to the person next to you and give them a hug, someone you don’t know,” Clark said. “Go hug somebody. Go ahead and spread it out, mass spreader. It’s a mass-spreader event! It’s a mass-spreader event! It’s a mass-spreader event!”

Clark also made a point to say he was open to hugs despite being in a committed relationship.

“There you go. Hug it out!” he added. “I’m married but if you want to give me a hug too, you can do that.”

I didn’t know it was possible to give a Darwin Award to so many people at the same time.

Also disturbing was the Christian prelude to those super-spreader hugs:

I ask you again: Who here is up to the task of not wearing a mask? Jesus is king, and it’s time to let freedom ring, ladies and gentlemen. Jesus is king, and it’s time to let freedom ring.

Just another Christian Nationalist disregarding the advice of science experts and doing everything in his power to spread a virus that’s killed more than 350,000 Americans and counting. It’s not even surprising anymore, but we shouldn’t stop talking about it until the irresponsible Christians who attend churches with leaders or members like these walk away for good.

I’ve seen some talk online saying the virus-spreading hugs are a good thing because the attendees at that event are Trump supporters, but keep in mind that 1) They’re people and we’re not monsters and 2) They will eventually return home and possibly spread the virus to their family, work colleagues, or other community members. We’re all affected by the actions of the most ignorant people among us. Unfortunately, too many Christian zealots no longer care if their actions lead to a higher body count.

(Thanks to @yogafan108)

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