A Prominent Creationist Has Died. His Legacy? A Young Earth Planetarium. December 13, 2020

A Prominent Creationist Has Died. His Legacy? A Young Earth Planetarium.

Yesterday, a prominent Creationist died.

Dr. Henry M. Morris III was the CEO of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), a multi-million dollar enterprise with dozens of staffers that never produced any credible research. A few years ago, ICR made news by building a planetarium. I repeat: A planetarium… dedicated to showing how the universe was only a few thousand years old.

Morris and his organization are the lesser known counterparts to Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis, but even then, they always had plenty of money to try and dissuade students from accepting science.

But what’s especially odd about his obituary on ICR’s website is the first paragraph:

It is with heavy hearts that the Institute for Creation Research announces the homegoing of our CEO, Dr. Henry M. Morris III. He went to be with his Lord on December 12, 2020.

Nothing about that wording is unusual for a Christian website… except there’s no mention of the cause of death. Weird omission.

It’s especially weird because they included it earlier in the day, as evidenced by a screen capture, only to delete it later on.

It is with heavy hearts that the Institute for Creation Research announces the homegoing of our CEO, Dr. Henry M. Morris III. He went to be with his Lord on December 12, 2020, after a brief illness with COVID-19.

There’s nothing shameful about that… unless Morris was a COVID-denier, which he didn’t appear to be, at least not publicly. That said, ICR is hosting a number of in-person events early next year before a vaccine will be widely available. They also held a one-year anniversary celebration at the ICR Discovery Center back in September. The place is closed for the time being, but it’s not clear how Morris may have contracted the virus, if that was indeed the issue.

(Screenshot via ICR. Thanks to Curt for the link)

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