Pastor Blames Satan and “Liberal Crazies,” But Not COVID, for Church Closures December 3, 2020

Pastor Blames Satan and “Liberal Crazies,” But Not COVID, for Church Closures

Pastor Greg Fairrington of Destiny Church in Rocklin, California knows exactly why churches were closed for much of 2020.

Was it because of COVID?

Nope. It’s because Satan is trying to persecute Christians.

Here are some current trends in the church world today: 30-40% of the people who attended church before COVID will never return to church. 20% of all churches in America will never open their doors again. And 70% of pastors are looking for another place of employment.

You know why? It wasn’t because of a virus. There was a demonic strategy to silence the church. This virus came from China where they silenced the church, and now the silence of a church in America is because there is a demonic force behind it. The reality of this moment is the demonic strategy is working.

That means 31 million people will never come back to church. That means 80,000 churches will shut their doors and never meet again in that building. That means 420,000 pastors are looking for new jobs.

And you’re telling me this was a virus? You’re telling me this is not a demonic strategy? It is all a demonic strategy! Every single part of it! And the political leveraging to shut the doors of the church in America by liberal crazies that see us as non-essential — I’m telling you the devil is a liar! He is an absolute liar!

Like so many conservative Christians, Fairrington doesn’t understand why churches are deemed non-essential: You can stream services online. You can’t do that with groceries. You would think this would be obvious to a guy who’s literally live-streaming his sermons online… and yet it’s more convenient to dupe Christians by blaming the Devil than being honest about the failures of their own preferred political candidates.

Those “liberal crazies,” by the way, want to keep Christians alive. It’s Republicans who don’t care, and who reject mask mandates, and who want churches open so that members of the congregation can get sick and infect each other and then infect their communities.

(via Christian Nightmares)

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