Scamvangelist Says God Will Bring Your Hair Back: “Bald Spots, I Call You Gone!” November 21, 2020

Scamvangelist Says God Will Bring Your Hair Back: “Bald Spots, I Call You Gone!”

I know pointing to crazy stuff televangelist Kenneth Copeland says is commonplace at this point, but still. People take this shit seriously. They gather at his church, ignore social distancing guidelines, reject face masks, all to hear a lunatic version of Christianity.

Here’s Copeland, just this week, telling his audience that they can pray to God to cure their baldness.

Put your hand on your head like that. Bald spots, I call you gone! Hair! Grow! AHHHHHHH hahahahahaha. Hair! Grow!

Imagine risking your life to see the worst magic trick ever…

(I appreciate how one Twitter user described it: Hair Club for (A)Men.)

But the bigger problem is that these people think Copeland, who falsely declared COVID defeated back in March, can still be trusted. How can anyone break through to people so brainwashed they’ll believe anything someone says as long as he’s in a suit and throws the word “Jesus” into his schtick every sentence or two?

(via @ChristnNitemare)

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