Robert Jeffress: We Allowed Atheists and Infidels to “Pervert Our Constitution” July 16, 2020

Robert Jeffress: We Allowed Atheists and Infidels to “Pervert Our Constitution”

Not only is America a Christian country, but the Constitution has been perverted by infidels and atheists, according to MAGA cultist and Trump sycophant Pastor Robert Jeffress.

He made the comments on his “Pathway to Victory” broadcast during a series of episodes earlier this month promoting the Christian Nation myth. In the excerpt below, he was complaining about Supreme Court decisions that removed mandatory Bible readings from public schools.

And here’s the question: What has changed? What has changed? In these 150 years​, has the Constitution changed and nobody told us? Is that what happened? Of course not. What has happened is we have allowed the secularists, the humanists, the atheists, the infidels, to pervert our Constitution into something our Founding Fathers never intended. And it is time for Americans to stand up and say ‘Enough! We’re not going to allow this in our Christian country anymore.’ It is time to put an end to this.

It’s been said before, but conservative Christians like Jeffress always mistake religious equality for persecution because they’re so used to receiving special treatment.

It’s time to once again reiterate that the Bible says far more about welcoming the immigrant and serving the poor and marginalized than anything about abortion or LGBTQ issues — which Jeffress also brought up elsewhere in his episodes. (Interestingly enough, helping the poor would also result in fewer abortions, a fact Jeffress never seems to care about.)

Pretending we live in a Christian Nation doesn’t make it true. Lying about the past won’t change reality either. The fact remains if our government treated atheism or Islam the way we’ve historically treated Christianity, Jeffress would never stop whining about it.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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