Pastor Who Falsely Accused Black Man and Allegedly Abused a Teen Takes Own Life June 14, 2020

Pastor Who Falsely Accused Black Man and Allegedly Abused a Teen Takes Own Life

After Jayson Rowe got wind of a police investigation into his alleged sexual abuse of a 17-year-old boy, the 40-year-old pastor of North Carolina’s Conway Baptist Church took his own life, reports Christian Daily.

According to the Conway Police Department, law enforcement officers were in the process of investigating an allegation of criminal sexual misconduct against Rowe when they received a call about his death.

Tom Collins, the church deacon board chairman shared with Baptist Press on June 8 that a 17-year-old male church member brought a credible allegation of sexual abuse against Rowe.

Jayson Rowe

If the investigation was still underway, why is there a booking photo of the good pastor? It’s from 2013. That’s the year that Rowe filed a false police report, saying that a black man had threatened him with a knife, carjacked him, and forced him to withdraw money from a bank. The cops soon found out that he lied about the whole thing. There had been what they described as an “encounter” that was “entirely consensual.”

Conway Baptist Church, which hired Rowe in 2018, was undeterred by that level of racism and shadiness.

“We were satisfied that it was an isolated event that had occurred in this past,”

… said church deacon Tom Collins, who added that Rowe had explained that the tale of the robbery was just “a misunderstanding” and that charges were ultimately dropped.

Rowe’s social media accounts, where he talked a good game about the Baptist faith needing “men of morals,” have been disabled — except the SoundCloud one, where you can still listen to him playing, fittingly, “Over the Rainbow“.

(Image via Florence County Detention Center)

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