Listen to These Former Evangelical Republicans Explain Why They Left the GOP May 23, 2020

Listen to These Former Evangelical Republicans Explain Why They Left the GOP

At this time in 2019, Amy Sullivan, who works with the progressive Christian group “Vote Common Good,” asked her Twitter followers to describe why they used to be Republicans, if they were formerly in the GOP, particularly those who were also evangelical:

Sullivan posed the question again this week and the responses are still illuminating.

The experiences may vary, but one theme was still prevalent: People were turned off by the clear disconnect between the values conservatives preached and their own actions behind closed doors. The hypocrisy of the Christian Right has never been more clear than it is under the Trump presidency.

That character flaw goes beyond religious or political persuasion, but if conservatives and evangelical Christians don’t listen, they can expect to shed even more longtime followers.

(Featured image via Shutterstock)

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