Trump, Clearly Unaware of What Easter’s All About, Tweets “HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY” April 11, 2020

Trump, Clearly Unaware of What Easter’s All About, Tweets “HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY”

When Donald Trump wished his followers a “HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY” on Twitter — in ALL CAPS, naturally — it was only fair to wonder if he had any clue what “Good Friday” is even a reference to.

Does he know that’s the day Jesus was killed? A prelude to Easter, which is the actual thing Christians are looking forward to?

Both Christian and non-Christian Twitter users were quick to call out Mr. “Two Corinthians” for his elementary mistake:

Wishing Christians “Happy Good Friday” is akin to wishing Jews a “Happy Yom Kippur”: It’s the most somber day of the liturgical year.

You would think conservative Christians would at least say something about it, but the usual suspects were strangely silent about any possible faux pas.

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