Among the Republicans running for Senate from Alabama are alleged child molester Roy Moore and Secretary of State John Merrill, who thinks TV is unwatchable because of all the “homosexual activities.”
There’s also Tommy Tuberville, the former head football coach at Auburn University. In 2015, Tuberville was highlighted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation as one of the main reasons illegal chaplaincies were pushing Christianity on athletes at public universities around the country. His entire public image has been a football coach who loves Jesus — which is pretty much all you need in Alabama to get elected to anything you want.
That’s how he’s campaigning too. At a stop in Montgomery yesterday, Tuberville insisted that it’s a lack of forced Christianity that’s causing all the problems in our country.
Tuberville returned several times to the theme that a belief in God is essential to fixing what he believes are the nation’s pressing problems. He received applause and an amen or two when he said he believes the Trump presidency was a gift from God.
“I want to help Donald Trump and you get this mess straightened out,” Tuberville said. “And I’m going to do that. But we’ve got to put Jesus and God before everything else. And if we don’t do that we’re going to be brought down to our knees again.”
Trump is surrounded by conservative Christians and all he’s done is make everything worse. God doesn’t fix anything. You need decent, smart people in public office if you want smart changes that help more people. Anyone who says God is the answer is saying they don’t give a damn about actual solutions. To them, there’s nothing that can’t be solved with a healthy dose of wishful thinking and superstition.
It explains much of Alabama. But the rest of the country shouldn’t have to suffer the same way.
Tuberville also stated he wouldn’t accept a salary if elected. Considering he’s a multi-millionaire, who cares — an elected officials getting a salary isn’t the problem with government — but as one online commenter noted, “you get what you pay for.”
Alabama doesn’t need a theocrat who pretends to be a public servant. It needs a public servant who knows religion won’t solve anything by itself.
In other words, voters would be wise to keep Sen. Doug Jones in power. These other guys have no clue what they’re doing. It should be a dire warning to voters that the alleged child molester and the football coach and the guy who’s offended by TV all have the same answers when it comes to public policy — and they’re all wrong.
Unfortunately, this is a tough seat for Democrats to hold. There’s a good chance one of these Jesus-obsessed know-nothings will win the race. All the more reason for Democrats in Senate swing states to go all out in flipping seats blue.
(Screenshot via YouTube. Thanks to Brian for the link)
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