A woman’s dragon-themed lawn decorations are upsetting her Christian neighbor, and her response to them is hilarious.
It all began with Diana Rowland‘s tweet featuring her display and the letter from a very upset Christian neighbor who said the dragons were “only marginally acceptable at Halloween” but “totally inappropriate at Christmas.”
Our dragon holiday display got fan mail! (And apparently the "true meaning of Christmas" involves judgmental bullshit?) � pic.twitter.com/7NLZKkEW2x
— Diana Rowland (@dianarowland) December 15, 2018
That anonymous neighbor also wondered if Rowland was involved in a “demonic cult,” thereby distracting her from knowing the “true meaning of Christmas.”
Rowland doesn’t want anyone to think she doesn’t understand Christmas. Which is why the dragons now have halos, making them angels.
Rowland cited Ezekiel 1:1-28 in that message, a chapter that describes mystical creatures as seen in a vision. So she’s obviously just following the Bible. Christians should be thrilled.
And just in case anyone missed them, she added more dragons to the scene:
An update to yesterday's tweet re the letter I received from an anonymous, judgy-mcjudgyface neighbor who disapproved of my dragon display and asked me to consider removing them: I have added more dragons. pic.twitter.com/OxsFQs5yQ1
— Diana Rowland (@dianarowland) December 16, 2018
May all our holidays be this festive.
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