Baptist Hate-Preacher: “Hanukkah is a Deception from Hell” November 26, 2018

Baptist Hate-Preacher: “Hanukkah is a Deception from Hell”

It’s not surprising that a religious leader would consider other religions to be wrong in their core beliefs. It’d be more surprising if they didn’t.

But Independent Fundamentalist Baptist hate-preacher Adam Fannin of Stedfast Jacksonville Church in Florida took it to a whole different level during a sermon yesterday. He let his congregation know that, under no situation, should they consider celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzaa. (19:20 and 41:28)

Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are wicked holidays… they are unholy holidays… Hanukkah is a deception from Hell. It’s wicked…

Hanukkah is a deception, and I believe it’s like a starter drug to get you interested into the Hebrew roots movement. It’s something to — Oh, I’ll do Christmas, I’ll do Hanukkah, too. We’ll respect everybody!

Well, I don’t really have any respect for Hanukkah. I’m sorry, it’s not of God. It’s not a good thing.

The sermon condemns Messianic Jews, too. Not that he’s only concerned with theology; he gets upset that menorahs don’t have the biblically accurate number of candles on them.

It’s nothing new from Fannin whose entire schtick is demonizing everyone who doesn’t share 100% of his religious views. He especially loves going after Christians who only agree with 99% of his beliefs.

But when you lead a church known for hate, it’s hardly surprising that a holiday sermon barely mentions Jesus while focusing on why non-Christians are wicked.

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