Christian Activist: God Let Democrats Win the House Just to Get Their Hopes Up November 10, 2018

Christian Activist: God Let Democrats Win the House Just to Get Their Hopes Up

E.W. Jackson, the Christian activist who said earlier this week that Democrats were violating the will of the American public by voting, now says God is using some sort of reverse psychology on Democrats.

The Lord allowed them to win the House, Jackson said, because He just wanted to get their hopes up before dashing them in 2020.

“I believe this is God engineering this thing,” Jackson said. “I believe that these leftists have gone so far off the deep end that putting them in the spotlight, giving people like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and that whole crowd an opportunity to be seen for who they really are and what they really stand for is going to make 2020 a rout.”

“It is a feint toward some presumed victory they think they’re going to have somewhere down the road,” he continued. “It is a feint to get them to uncover, to expose themselves. You know, like in boxing, a knockout punch comes after feint so that a boxer thinks a punch is coming from one direction, [but] it comes from another and he doesn’t even see it coming? I really believe that’s what’s going on here.”

“God is faking them out,” Jackson said. “They think they’re in the catbird seat because Nancy Pelosi is going to become Speaker of the House and they’re going to have a few votes to try to control the House and they’re going to be in charge of all the committees and they’re going to investigate the president. But I think what they’re going to do is just show that they are stark raving mad.

You know what would really get Democrats’ hopes up? Giving us the Senate too. And please don’t give us the presidency in 2020 or else we’ll really feel bad when we fail down the road. Why, God? Why?!

(via Right Wing Watch)

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