Florida Pastor Arrested for Allegedly Taking Picture Up Parishioner’s Skirt July 14, 2018

Florida Pastor Arrested for Allegedly Taking Picture Up Parishioner’s Skirt

31-year-old Brian “Rick” Kenyon Jr., a pastor at Deltona Church of Christ in Florida, was arrested on Thursday on charges that he attempted to take a picture of a woman in the congregation… from underneath her skirt.

The church moved quickly to “remove” him from the staff, though the church’s website still lists him as pastor.

According to the police, the allegation was first reported to them in April:

The victim, a 41-year-old woman, told a deputy the incident occurred when she attended Sunday service on April 8 at the Church of Christ of Deltona…

The victim said she was meeting with Kenyon in his office along with his children, and he asked her to put his youngest child into a car seat. As she bent over to do so, she felt skin against her leg, turned around and found Kenyon bent over directly behind her. She noticed he was holding his cell phone and it had a red light on.

The victim and other members of the church later confronted Kenyon about the incident, and he was removed from the church.

The church said Kenyon had no unsupervised contact with children nor did they ever have any other complaints about him.

According to one news report, though, Kenyon both denied the accusation and confessed to it:

Deputies say when the woman and members of the church confronted him about it he called it a misunderstanding and said he had “pornography problem.”

When they confronted the pastor about it again 11 days later, deputies say the pastor had some sort of spiritual awakening and confessed to the act saying a “dark moment” came over him.

They say he claimed to delete the photo. He was promptly dismissed from the church.

What the hell.

Watching porn doesn’t cause you to violate someone’s privacy or do anything sexual without consent. Satan didn’t cause this either. This guy’s just a pervert who deserved to be arrested.

He was released from jail after paying a $2,500 bail.

(Thanks to Bryan for the link)

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