VICE’s Karley Sciortino Explores the Mormon War on Porn April 13, 2017

VICE’s Karley Sciortino Explores the Mormon War on Porn

In a video for VICE, Karley Sciortino explores the intersection of Mormonism and pornography.

That includes going to an anti-porn convention in Utah (with a lot of Mormon attendees), talking with a state senator who authored a resolution declaring porn to be a public health hazard (it’s not), and hanging out with a pornographer who does Mormon-themed shoots (for real).


Considering how much religion can repress people’s sexuality, it’s hardly surprising to see people go to extreme measures like this.

I know it’s VICE, and I know the segments Sciortino included were selected for specific reasons, but she really shows one of the big problems with religion: It’s unable to handle sex in a normal, healthy way.

You can’t just have sex — or anything leading up to it — and enjoy it. You must be abstinent until marriage. You must never touch yourself for pleasure. You must treat all porn, regardless of how it’s made, as pure evil. There’s no room for ambiguity or common sense.

That’s why one of the big epiphanies people have when they walk away from religion involves sex. They realize: God’s not peering into my bedroom and He doesn’t care about the thoughts I have.

We need to teach people is how to explore their own sexuality safely and with people they trust. Those aren’t lessons you’ll get in the Mormon Church.

(Thanks to @SkyGodless for the link)

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