6 Things Atheists Can Learn From Religion October 10, 2016

6 Things Atheists Can Learn From Religion


3. Charitable Giving

I would never argue that religion is necessary for a person to do charitable work, but it’s undeniable that many world religions emphasize the importance of caring for the less fortunate. Buddha talked about it, the Bible encourages it, and it is a central tenet of Sikhism.

In fact, while you might have read on FOX News that Islam is an “evil” religion responsible for all the world’s problems, giving privately to charity (a.k.a. zakat) is the third of five pillars that form the tradition’s foundational concepts. Some non-believers might suggest that doing good things for others due to religious motives is less altruistic than doing so for the sake of the action itself, but that doesn’t change the fact that unfortunate people are being helped. And it definitely doesn’t mean we can’t learn from the notion itself.

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