Christian Preacher Who’s Never Seen a “Woman as Good Looking as a $100 Bill” Endorses Donald Trump February 16, 2016

Christian Preacher Who’s Never Seen a “Woman as Good Looking as a $100 Bill” Endorses Donald Trump

Here’s an interesting split: If you’re an evangelical pastor, you might endorse Ted Cruz since he’s the guy who believes what you believe, is just as much of an anti-gay bigot, and thinks access to health care for women is something we have to eliminate.

But if you’re an evangelical pastor who thinks God wants everyone to be rich, then Donald Trump is your man. At least that’s the case for prosperity gospel preacher Mike Murdock, who endorsed Trump at a rally yesterday.

If you’re not familiar with Murdock, he’s the sort of guy who says that your credit card debt will be wiped out if you give him money, that “$1,000 cannot reproduce until it enters into a covenant with the soil” (by which he means his ministry), and that “I haven’t seen a woman as good looking as a $100 bill.”

So it’s a perfect match, really.


He’s exactly the sort of preacher lampooned by John Oliver last year.

Someone this despicable belongs in Trump’s camp.

The bigger question is why so many Christians would want anything to do with either one of them.

(via Christian Nightmares)

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