Texas Governor Rick Perry has invited all 49 other governors to join him for a massive, worthless pray-in.
Who’s in and who’s out?
California’s Governor Jerry Brown.
Florida’s Governor Rick Scott. (Though he “will declare Aug. 6 a day of prayer” in his state.)
Georgia’s Governor Nathan Deal.
Indiana’s Governor Mitch Daniels (due to the Indiana State Fair).
Iowa’s Governor Terry Branstad.
Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder.
North Dakota’s Governor Jack Dalrymple. (Thanks, Kevin!)
Oklahoma’s Governor Mary Fallin.
South Carolina’s Governor Nikki Haley. (Though she “will declare Aug. 6 a day of prayer” in her state.)
Vermont’s Governor Peter Shumlin.
Washington’s Governor Christine Gregoire. (Though she “will declare Aug. 6 a day of prayer” in her state.)
Kansas’ Governor Sam Brownback.
Louisiana’s Governor Bobby Jindal (pending scheduling conflicts).
Virginia’s Governor Bob McDonnell. (It depends on his schedule. If he attends, he will use private funds.)
Got links for other governors? Let’s fill this list out…
***Update***: Members of the interfaith Houston Clergy Council have issued an open letter to Gov. Perry telling him they disapprove of his Pray-a-thon. Lot of Unitarian Universalists on that list, so Perry will probably ignore them. They’re not the type of Christians that he’s trying to pander to.
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