Hemant Mehta is the founder and editor of FriendlyAtheist.com, a YouTube creator, and podcast co-host. He is a former National Board Certified math teacher in the suburbs of Chicago. He has appeared on CNN and FOX News and served on the board of directors for Foundation Beyond Belief and the Secular Student Alliance. He has written multiple books, including I Sold My Soul on eBay and The Young Atheist's Survival Guide. He also edited the book Queer Disbelief.
Ever since civil unions became legal in Illinois, Catholic-run, partially-state-funded adoption agencies have been closing shop because they refuse to put children in the homes of loving, gay couples. Now, the Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley, a secular agency, is stepping in to help out the children that the Catholic charities don’t seem to care about. They’re taking in 330 children left behind by the Catholic Charities in Rockford. It’s run by a religious person who thinks very highly… Read more
Singer Anthony David was listening to Pat Robertson explain how the “earthquake in Haiti was because of a curse from God” and that compelled him to write a song called “God Said.” I’m not one of those who claims that religion is the ONLY thing that causes all of the wars and bloodshed, but it has caused many. But not necessarily even the religion but the interpretetation of a few dangerous minds put into the wrong position of power or… Read more
I know you’re sick of this by now, but I need to get my own thoughts cleared up and it helps me to write them down. So there you go. I had said before Elevator Guy was a creep. I’m now convinced that was a poor choice of words because that gets him off easy. He put Rebecca Watson in the uncomfortable position where, if she said no to his advances, there’s a chance he could’ve acted in a scary/I-Don’t-Wanna-Think-About-It… Read more
Jeffrey Weston reminds us that our country’s founders had very secular views about the world, regardless of the bile David Barton likes to spew (click image to enlarge): (Clemens is a character in the strip.) On a similar note, Rob Boston of Americans United also offers a few quick reasons we’re not a Christian nation. (via Ape, Not Monkey) ***Update***: I revised the post to fix a mistake. Read more