“Prophet”: God Must Return Trump to Power or People Won’t Take Me Seriously November 10, 2021

“Prophet”: God Must Return Trump to Power or People Won’t Take Me Seriously

Right-wing evangelist Nathan French has spent much of this year making predictions that haven’t panned out.

He said God would wipe out the social media companies that banned Donald Trump from their platforms… which hasn’t happened. He said Trump would return to power by April… which [*checks watch*] hasn’t happened.

And now he’s begging God to restore Trump to power soon because, otherwise, guys like him are gonna look really stupid.

He made the comments, naturally, to the ever-gullible Steve Shultz of Elijah Streams:

“I took a risk to prophesy over him and Melania,” French said. “What we’re seeing right now is the unraveling of the enemy’s plan because God’s been shining the light. … I saw the Lord shining a light into the dark places and all the scurrying of the evildoers or those who had worked against Christ with an Antichrist spirit. We’re gonna see God finish what he began. The word promises that he will finish the good work he began. Where people miss it and start trying to discredit the prophetic community is when they start getting the timeline messed up. If somebody gives a word that, ‘Hey, on this date, this person is going to be in office,’ and it doesn’t come to pass, then it was a false word. It wasn’t true. But if they give that word and the date that they gave hasn’t yet come to pass, you can’t call him a liar or [say] that they were wrong because the time hasn’t happened yet. If somebody doesn’t give a date and God gives a word and speaks through the voice of his prophets—which he’s doing on the Earth right now because there’s still prophets today. … There’s a whole bunch of people on the planet that don’t believe that there are still prophets on the Earth. And so they scripturally are trying to resolve that, and they’re teaching people that prophets no longer exist.

Besides the desperate plea for relevance, what French is saying isn’t even true. If Trump was “restored” to power — which isn’t how anything works — it would be because Republicans upended democracy, not because God weighed in on the matter. So-called “prophets” wouldn’t suddenly be hailed as truth-tellers.

The flip side of this is that a bunch of “prophets” have insisted Trump will return to power. When that doesn’t happen, do they have the guts to admit they were deluded? That God wasn’t ever speaking to them? That their critics were always right?

Of course not. It’s far more likely they rationalize the error than admit reality.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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