A Capitol Rioter Was Arrested After His Church Prayer Group Alerted the FBI July 31, 2021

A Capitol Rioter Was Arrested After His Church Prayer Group Alerted the FBI

It turns out church prayer text groups are good for something.

Glenn Allen Brooks, a remodeling contractor from Huntington Beach, California, was one of the MAGA cultists who allegedly took part in the insurrection. But he wasn’t arrested until Thursday in part because initial surveillance footage didn’t pinpoint Brooks as the guy in the Capitol.

Who tipped off the FBI?

Someone in Brooks’ prayer text group:

On or about January 30, 2021, the FBI received an electronic tip from Witness #1, who stated that a member of his/her church prayer text group, Glenn BROOKS, boasted of his active participation in the January 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Witness #1 also stated that BROOKS sent photos of his attendance at the Capitol to the church text group that included other people at the riots/protest and a selfie photo of himself inside the Capitol.

Nothing like bragging about your crimes to your church chat buddies…

Further interviews and images of Brooks confirmed the tip. Brooks now faces charges of “Entering and Remaining and Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds” and “Disorderly Conduct and Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building.”

Even Jesus won’t save him now.

(Thanks to everyone for the link)

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