PragerU Admits Anti-Racism Means Challenging Our Nation’s Founding Values July 13, 2021

PragerU Admits Anti-Racism Means Challenging Our Nation’s Founding Values

Do you know how hard it is for “Prager U” to make news for its own ignorance? That’s like Jim Bakker making news for selling a sham product. It’s what they do.

And yet the right-wing propaganda outlet posted a truly epic self-own:

Young people are enamored with “anti-racist” rhetoric because they think they are fighting racist systems in America. The TRUTH is they are fighting America itself and the very values the country was founded on.

So people fighting racism are actually “fighting America itself and the very values the country was founded on.” Uh… yes? That’s exactly it. PragerU finally got something right.

And the entire Twitterverse let them know it.

The irony is that PragerU accidentally showed why the teaching of our nation’s racist past in public schools is so important; too many people are blissfully unaware of atrocities committed in our country’s name.

So… thank you?

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