CPAC Priest: God Created Earth and “That’s All the Science We Need to Know” July 12, 2021

CPAC Priest: God Created Earth and “That’s All the Science We Need to Know”

Yesterday, at the right-wing CPAC event in Texas, recently fired priest Rev. James Altman had the “honor” of delivering the opening prayers.

Who’s Altman? He’s the guy who claimed True Catholics™ couldn’t be Democrats, referred to climate change as a “hoax,” denounced COVID vaccines, and put his own congregation in harm’s way by putting communion wafers directly in the mouths of members on Easter weekend.

For all that, plus his refusal to resign, he was finally fired last week by the Diocese of La Crosse in Wisconsin.

And there he was at CPAC on Sunday sharing his reprehensible beliefs with the ignorant crowd. His short sermon repeatedly invoked “cancel culture” — urging everyone to join him in asking God for help that they won’t be canceled — before he got to the most troubling line in the short prayer.

… So now and always, let us realize our health is in the name of the Lord, who actually did make Heaven and Earth, and that’s all the science we need to know.

God poofed the world into existence, and not only is that science, according to Altman — which it’s not — it’s “all the science we need to know.”

Leave it to conservatives to celebrate their ignorance by proclaiming there’s a (very low) limit to how much scientific understanding they need. It doesn’t help that the one thing they think they know about science… isn’t science.

Altman’s also wrong about their health being in God’s hands. The people currently dying of COVID are almost entirely people who haven’t been vaccinated. It would be simple for Altman to argue that God created the vaccine, therefore people should get their shots, but he’s more interested in killing people in the name of Jesus.

(Featured screenshot via YouTube)

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