WV GOP Lawmaker Defends Anti-Trans Bill: “My God Does Not Make a Mistake” March 28, 2021

WV GOP Lawmaker Defends Anti-Trans Bill: “My God Does Not Make a Mistake”

On Wednesday, the West Virginia State House passed a bill preventing transgender middle and high school students from playing sports with the appropriate team. It’s one of several similar bills being passed in Republican-led legislatures because, well, it’s not like that party wants to do anything to actually help people. It’s cruelty all the way down.

There was a debate, though, before that WV bill was passed. Democrats pointed out that this bill was addressing a “problem” that didn’t exist in the state. Besides that, it sent an awful message:

Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer, D-Monongalia, was the last Democrat to speak Thursday.

“My daughter is different, my daughter plays sports, my daughter is beautiful, my daughter is intelligent, and she has left this state,” Fleischauer said. “And it is this kind of bill that will ensure that she will never come back.”

“Please don’t pass this bill. You are demonizing little children and you are demonizing my baby,” she said.

That’s heartbreaking. And it’s in stark contrast to this kind of statement from Republican Delegate Roger Conley — who was so proud of what he said, he bragged about it on Facebook:

… to believe that there is a man that thinks they should be a woman, or a woman that thinks they should be a man, is saying that my God made a mistake. And I’ve got news for all of you: My God does not make a mistake.

The mere existence of trans people is an insult to Conley’s religion. That’s seriously his argument.

People have health problems and need doctors. They have eye problems and need glasses. They have ear problems and need hearing aids. It turns out God makes a hell of a lot of mistakes, if that’s your belief, but they can be fixed.

Conley of all people should understand that. He caught COVID last year and needed special drugs to overcome that particular God-mistake.

For Conley to pretend that trans people alone shouldn’t be allowed to right a wrong — because his God is apparently too weak to handle it — says a lot about how pathetic his faith is and how bigoted he is.

Imagine how horrible a human being you have to be to get elected to office only to use your power to ruin the lives of children who are already struggling with enough.

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