Christian “Prophet”: The Military Will Return Trump to Power by the End of April March 19, 2021

Christian “Prophet”: The Military Will Return Trump to Power by the End of April

Last month, self-proclaimed Christian “prophet” Jeff Jansen of Global Fire Ministries International said that Donald Trump was still president and would return to the White House by this summer.

He’s now moving that date up to April and throwing the military into the equation.

“You have to realize that what’s taken place in our nation has been a hostile takeover,” Jansen said. “And just because there was a fake inauguration, and that’s exactly what it was, a fake inauguration for optics and for posture, let them have their day in the sun. … President Trump has never conceded, he never agreed to anything, he never stepped away, never conceded. He basically stepped aside momentarily while things are being sorted out.”

“He stepped aside, he never conceded, and the last defense is [the] military,” Jansen continued. “Actually, the military is in control right now and they’ve already made their determination. Now it’s about execution. Now it’s about returning civil power after … the rightly, duly elected president from this past election comes forward and they expose the corruption, there will be civil power restored to the United States and that president will be Donald J. Trump.”

“Watch what the Lord does,” Jansen declared. “I would be surprised if things don’t happen by the end of April.”

The silver lining here is that it means we get six more weeks of the craziest MAGA cultists taking a break… maybe. But Jansen has done the one thing prophets are never supposed to do: set a deadline. Instead of moving the goalposts into the future, like all apocalyptic cult leaders do when talking about the end of the world, Jansen is moving the deadline up.

That’s gonna backfire.

I still say his followers should just stay home during the next election and do nothing. Let God handle it. No need to vote at all. Have faith, people.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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