This Brief Documentary on Christian Nationalism is Missing Some Important Voices March 5, 2021

This Brief Documentary on Christian Nationalism is Missing Some Important Voices

If you’re looking for something to watch this weekend, check out this 30-minute documentary from CBS News about “The Right’s Fight to Make America a Christian Nation.” A lot of the stories included in here are ones I’ve covered on this site before. Some of them are infuriating, as are some of the talking heads. (Hello, Franklin Graham.)

Still, the doc itself is a fair introduction to what the issue is all about to those who don’t follow it on a regular basis.

While there are commentators in here that support church/state separation and actively oppose Christian Nationalism, my main criticism of the documentary is that it completely avoids any overtly non-theistic voices. Atheist groups are often on the front lines of fighting Christian extremism in the courts — as well as in the culture — but they were noticeably absent from this film.

I know it’s a short film. I know not every story can be told. But still. It’s hard to imagine any conversation about this topic without hearing from the people who fight back against Christian Nationalism and have the most to lose from its success. The film managed to include different shades of Baptist, but no non-theists. Weird.

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