Texas Church: Companies That Support LGBTQ Rights/BLM Are Anti-Christian January 4, 2021

Texas Church: Companies That Support LGBTQ Rights/BLM Are Anti-Christian

***Update***: The church has taken down the post. But the screenshots live on.

A couple of months ago, I posted about the Cowboy Church Of Corsicana in Texas because, despite being a non-profit group, Pastor Derek Rogers told members to vote for Donald Trump because the alternative was “evil.”

It was a direct violation of IRS rules — no matter what Trump says to the contrary — and just last week, Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Madeline Ziegler sent a letter to the IRS urging them to “commence an immediate investigation to determine whether The Cowboy Church of Corsicana violated IRS regulations.” If the government followed its own rules, that church would be stripped of its tax-exempt status.

But that’s not even why I’m posting this.

We’re used to evangelical churches demonizing LGBTQ people. They have the right to do that, but the bigotry is still jarring. But rarely have I seen churches post lists of businesses that support LGBTQ people or the Black Lives Matter movement as well as “companies that support Christian values” as a way to get members to give their money only to the latter.

That’s what the Cowboy Church did yesterday, making it clear that they think Christian values are incompatible with civil rights.

Here are the two lists, just in case they take down that post:

The list isn’t even accurate by their own bigoted guidelines. Alaska Air and Jet Blue are on the Christian list, but both put out statements in the way of BLM protests decrying systemic racism. They support LGBTQ rights, too. Marriott supports LGBTQ rights, too.

I’d also love to know how many of those church members plan to ditch their iPhones, Androids, coffee, fast food, televisions, beer, shoes, and furniture.

The businesses on the LGBTQ/BLM list aren’t anti-Christian. They’re companies that recognize supporting civil rights and social justice and basic human decency are good for business. Bigotry isn’t a good marketing tool. Hell, even Chick-fil-A had backed away from its opposition to LGBTQ rights and its founder issued a statement supporting the fight against racism last summer.

The point isn’t that the lists are wrong. The point is the implication that those causes are somehow antithetical to the Christian faith. Plenty of Christians would say otherwise.

If there’s a silver lining to this, it’s all the comments underneath that post thanking the church for making it easy to know which companies deserve support — the ones that aren’t bigoted — and calling out the church for its hate.

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