Kirk Cameron Condemns “Mask Gestapo” While Publicizing COVID-Spreading Events December 24, 2020

Kirk Cameron Condemns “Mask Gestapo” While Publicizing COVID-Spreading Events

It turns out people aren’t thrilled about actor Kirk Cameron in-person sing-a-longs given that he held one this weekend in a state where COVID rates are out of control.

But Cameron is defending himself on cable news. He told far-right Newsmax that there’s “immunity in community” (that’s not true) and that there is a “mask Gestapo” (that’s definitely not true).

He also told FOX News that if you gather in large groups to sing carols, you “might catch the hope virus.”

To be clear, singing outdoors is better than doing it indoors, but the risk is not minimized, especially when you’re not wearing a mask. To compare those masks — and social distancing — to the Holocaust is beyond the pale, even for COVID deniers.

The actual Gestapo threatened people’s lives. In this case, Cameron is the one urging people to sacrifice their own in order to fight back against fake persecution. The masks, the social distancing, and all the other COVID restrictions are meant to save lives. The vaccine gives us hope. But if you’re participating in these gatherings, you may not be around to experience another Christmas.

It’s hard to feel hopeful when hooked up to a ventilator. If people listen to Cameron, though, it could be worse.

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