Christian Activists Sign Letter Falsely Declaring Trump Winner of Election December 16, 2020

Christian Activists Sign Letter Falsely Declaring Trump Winner of Election

Proving once again that conservative Christians believe lying is a part of their faith, a number of right-wing religious activists have signed a letter falsely declaring Donald Trump to be the “lawful winner of the presidential election.”

According to Right Wing Watch, the letter was “organized by the Conservative Action Project, an advocacy arm of the secretive Council for National Policy network.”

Written before the Electoral College voted, but with signatures being updated even after that official vote took place, the letter reads:

The evidence overwhelmingly shows officials in key battleground states — as the result of a coordinated pressure campaign by Democrats and allied groups — violated the Constitution, state and federal law in changing mail-in voting rules that resulted in unlawful and invalid certifications of Biden victories.

There is no doubt President Donald J. Trump is the lawful winner of the presidential election. Joe Biden is not president-elect.

None of that is true. That evidence doesn’t exist. No judge — even ultra-conservative ones — have found justification for these claims. It’s unclear if the signers believe this because they’re dumb, willfully ignorant, wannabe tyrants, or some combination of all of those things.

But just for the record, some of the people who signed onto this letter include Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, L. Brent Bozell, III of the Media Research Center, Ed Martin of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, and Kelly Monroe Kullberg of the American Association of Evangelicals (AAE).

Even outside of politics, their careers are spent spreading lies. No wonder they see no problem promoting irrational conspiracy theories in defense of a fellow moral monster. Their faith certainly doesn’t teach them otherwise.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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