A COVID-Denying Tennessee GOP Lawmaker Caught COVID and is Now on a Ventilator December 16, 2020

A COVID-Denying Tennessee GOP Lawmaker Caught COVID and is Now on a Ventilator

A COVID-denying Tennessee lawmaker who caught COVID and then called on God to perform a “miracle” so that his condition didn’t require a ventilator… is now on a ventilator.

State Rep. David Byrd had previously rejected wearing a mask during legislative sessions, went to in-person social gatherings, and supported a resolution saying the pandemic was “sensationalized” by the “mainstream media.” He’s been in the hospital for over a week now. On Monday, he was placed on the ventilator.

So much for that miracle.

“The doctor is wanting to vent. Please pray for God to bring my oxygen level up,” he said.

Friends and family shared prayers Monday, saying he was placed on a ventilator to give his lungs a chance to heal and that they were unsure how long he’d need to remain on it.

His wife has also reportedly shown COVID symptoms as well. There’s no word yet that Byrd has recanted his earlier statements about the virus.

It shouldn’t have taken a person run-in with the virus, though, for him to recognize how dangerous it is. Had he listened to scientists instead of preachers or right-wing media outlets, he might have taken the necessary precautions to avoid his current state.

How many other people have suffered because of his negligence?

It should go without saying: I hope he gets better. It’s too bad he doesn’t give the same damn about anyone else and has promoted misinformation contributing to a ever-worsening pandemic.

(via Joe. My. God. Featured image via YouTube. Portions of this article were published earlier)

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