GOP Senate Candidate: Years Ago, in a Hotel Room, God Told Me to Run for Office August 26, 2020

GOP Senate Candidate: Years Ago, in a Hotel Room, God Told Me to Run for Office

Jo Rae Perkins is the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Oregon, hoping to defeat incumbent Sen. Jeff Merkley. She’s also famous for taking the QAnon “oath,” expressing vocal support for the wild conspiracy theory slowly permeating the GOP.

But during an interview last week with the Christian group The Higher View, Perkins explained how she came to run for office in the first place: God spoke to her in a hotel room in 2009.


… I was in Phoenix, Arizona on a business trip — and this was, uh, either January 8th or 9th, 2009 — I had just returned to my hotel room traveling solo, having dinner, turned on the TV, and they’re showing the U.S senators getting nominated. Or not nominated — sworn in.

And I looked at the TV and I said, “What an incredible honor”… I started tearing up just like this. I said, “What an incredible honor to be sworn in as a United States senator.”

And what I’m about to say — because I know this is getting broadcast… everywhere — I believe that, if we listen, we can hear the voice of God because the Lord says, “My sheep hear my voice.”

I audibly heard a whoosh in my hotel room — This was in January, it was not the heater, the heating system was not in the ceiling — and I heard the Lord say “Plan on making a run to go to Washington, D.C. U.S. Congress. Five to six-year time frame. I looked up, I said, “What?! Okay.”

And that was how the journey officially began…

For a moment, I thought she said she heard a “bush” but it’s not like it would make a difference. Basically, the voices in her head told her to run. And that’s why she’s lost every election since, including the ones she ran for 5-6 years after that “conversation” with God.

Merkley is in a seat so solidly blue, the GOP isn’t even seriously considering Perkins winning it. So I guess God is playing a practical joke on her.

(Thanks to Kyle for the link. Screenshot via YouTube)

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