CA Christian School Plans In-Person Classes Since God “Spoke To Us Very Clearly” August 6, 2020

CA Christian School Plans In-Person Classes Since God “Spoke To Us Very Clearly”

While many public schools are rightly shifting to online classes as September rolls around, Desert Christian Academy in Bermuda Dunes, California plans to open its physical doors in a few weeks to at least half its students at a time. Only kids in third grade and higher will have to wear masks.

Are they concerned about COVID? Not at all, says one administrator, because God told them it would be okay:

“It could be a lost year of learning and that’s not a compromise that we’re willing to take,” said Kirk Scott, co-head of school.

Studying scriptures and praying, he sought direction from his highest authority: God.

“He spoke to us very clearly through the books of Ezra, Haggai and Zechariah that we were to reopen our campus for in-person instruction,” Scott said.

Right. Those chapters were written specifically for dealing with a 21st century pandemic…

Scott doesn’t seem worried about disaster, either:

There’s always the possibility of tragic results, and we trust the lord with the outcome of whatever it is that he leads us into,” Scott said.

He says that like “tragic results” would happen to them when the reality is the adults running this building are making decisions that would directly cause them.

The news report at KESQ doesn’t mention this, but the school is also using religion to pressure parents into letting their kids come into the building. A note on the school’s website says this:

The Leadership Team would like to extend a sincere thank you for your patience, understanding, flexibility, feedback, and support throughout these months. Parents, I encourage you to take this unprecedented opportunity to pray with your children and to share from God’s Word those Scripture verses that reassure you that He is sovereign over all things and is more than able to take care of all that concerns us. Isaiah 41:13-14 says, “’For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, for I myself will help you.” We are praising the Lord for the promise that He, Himself, will sustain us in the coming days.

I’m sure they’ll share the same verse with grandparents who end up on a death bed because a kid caught COVID at school and brought it back home.

The problem here isn’t that the school isn’t prepared for COVID; they’re obviously taking some precautions. But as some schools are already finding out, there’s really nothing schools can to to prevent the spread of the virus when people are on campus, which will undoubtedly affect teachers, parents, and other adults in contact with the children. The only reasonable option right now is online learning.

Prayer isn’t going to stop the virus. You would think Christians like the ones at this school would’ve taken the hint after the first 150,000 Americans died.

(Thanks to Steve for the link. The headline has been corrected. Apologies for my mistake)

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