This Priest Used a Water Gun to Shoot Holy Water in Parishioners’ Cars May 16, 2020

This Priest Used a Water Gun to Shoot Holy Water in Parishioners’ Cars

One interesting thing about the pandemic is that it really shines a light as to what church leaders consider important and what they consider frivolous.

Sermons, for example, are pretty vital. That’s why many pastors have moved their sermons online, sharing them via Facebook or YouTube. They might skip the worship music these days, but not the sermon.

It gets harder with rituals, though. You can’t bless people with holy water in person, right?

Well, at St. Ambrose Church in Grosse Pointe Park near Detroit, Michigan, they found a way to offer people holy water while respecting COVID-related restrictions. It just involved a priest and a water gun.

I swear I’m not making this up. Just look at the pictures. They’re from last month, but remember that they take this oh-so-seriously.

On Saturday [April 11], the faithful were able to drive their cars to St. Ambrose Church in Grosse Pointe Park near Detroit, where clergyman Timothy Pelc welcomed them with a face mask, face mask and gloves.

In the “transit style” as the parish described it on Facebook, the priest then sprayed the holy water from a safe distance onto the Easter baskets in the cars

I can’t decide whether I should be congratulating this church for finding a pandemic-themed workaround for a meaningful ritual… or yell out, “Don’t all of you see how ridiculous this is?!”

For what it’s worth, the church in question is embracing its newfound meme fame:

… They know people are mocking them, right?

Whatever the case, I’m baffled by all the people who drove to the church to get “holy water” via a squirt gun because they felt it was necessary to get closer to God.

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