Scamvangelist, Taking Credit for California Heat Wave, Declares COVID-19 “OVER!” April 26, 2020

Scamvangelist, Taking Credit for California Heat Wave, Declares COVID-19 “OVER!”

Earlier this month, at the same time he was destroying COVID-19 by blowing on it, televangelist Kenneth Copeland prayed for a heat wave.

“All God needs to do to deliver us is a heatwave, a supernatural heatwave,” Copeland told his audience which included senior members of his ministry.

“You know, usually you get what they call the Easter spell. When you think everything is warming up and all of a sudden you get a cold front. Well now, this year it’s going to be a[n] Easter heatwave,” he continued.

It’s going to get so hot in New York City. It’s going to get so hot and muggy, glory to God! It’s going to hit that place and it’s going to burn that virus. It’s going to, you know what it’s like in New York City at 85 or 90 degrees. It’s going to get however hot it has to get there to kill that thing right now all over this nation and the rest of the world where it’s needed,” he said.

Well, Easter came and went. And it’s now late April. And the weather is getting much hotter in Los Angeles (not New York City).

Therefore, Copeland is declaring victory!

During a livestream on Friday, his Christian hype man read some headlines about the heat in California and Copeland basically had a supernatural orgasm on stage. Here. You watch it. Enjoy the last 20 seconds, especially.

Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord! This thing is OVER! Glory to God, it’s FINISHED and it’s over! Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!

This thing, and I cannot stress this enough, is not over. The virus is still very much alive, and the heat isn’t going to kill it off.

But leave it to a Christian grifter to take credit for something that was bound to happen anyway.

(Thanks to Kyle for the link)

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