Jim Bakker’s Made-Up Chart Shows God Pausing Earthquakes After Trump’s Election November 26, 2019

Jim Bakker’s Made-Up Chart Shows God Pausing Earthquakes After Trump’s Election

According to televangelist Jim Bakker, the election of Donald Trump in 2016 was so monumental that the number of earthquakes around the world took a nosedive. It was clearly God’s way of telling us how pleased He was.

… You want to see a chart that [will] blow your mind? I just got this from one of my newsmen here in the staff. You see that? You see what this is? This is the lowest earthquakes… Look at, down here. You want to know what that is? That’s the election of Donald Trump. Why would there be a dip in the earthquakes at the time of the election? Why would there be less earthquakes there?

Where is that graph from? Who knows.

Doesn’t it tell us something that the number of earthquakes has gone up since the election? Bakker didn’t comment on that.

But still, what’s up with that dip?!

Simple: Bakker made it up.

As with all his other Christian proclamations, he just pulled this one out of his ass. Right Wing Watch points out that the number of earthquakes around the world in 2016 was roughly the same as the years before and after — slightly higher, in fact!

Bakker’s chart is so fake, I’m surprised Trump didn’t draw on it with a Sharpie.

Mind you, Bakker himself said that an earthquake that took place a month after the election was proof that God was trying to “shake” awake the sleeping church.

So did God cause or pause earthquakes?

For hucksters like Bakker, the answer is yes.

(via Right Wing Watch)

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