Islamic Cleric: The Simpsons Episode “Predicting” Trump’s Presidency Is a Plot to Discredit Allah March 20, 2017

Islamic Cleric: The Simpsons Episode “Predicting” Trump’s Presidency Is a Plot to Discredit Allah

There are weird videos on the internet… and then there’s this lecture by Palestinian Cleric Khaled Al-Maghrabi. He talks about how The Simpsons had an episode 17 years ago in which the writers “predicted” a President Donald Trump.

(While there is an old episode that uses the words “President Trump” as a joke, the scene that the cleric is talking about was actually made in 2015, after Trump announced his candidacy. In other words, the basis of his lecture isn’t even true.)

Al-Maghrabi argues that the episode with President Trump is proof of some larger conspiracy to convince people that it’s possible to predict the future. But that’s impossible, he says, because only Allah is capable of that.

And then it got weirder.


Al-Maghrabi, completely ignoring the possibility of a coincidence, goes on to say that The Simpsons writers pulled off this seemingly impossible trick by telling now-President Trump to recreate the cartoon by going down the escalator in Trump Tower and having bodyguards nearby with a particular look. (The truth, again, is that the Simpsons clip was animated after Trump announced his candidacy.)

He also says that Satan is the number 9 and the Antichrist is 11. Allah is 10. (Where he’s getting this information from is anybody’s guess.) That means when you call 911, you’re asking Satan and the Antichrist for help. And you’re plotting against Allah.


Also, if you fold paper currency a certain way, you can create an image of the World Trade Center collapsing. It’s another part of the conspiracy, Al-Maghrabi says, since the $20 was designed before the attacks.

Moral of the story: Don’t believe people who say they can predict the future — even though no reasonable person is saying that — because they’re lying! They just want to destroy your Islamic faith.

Glad we have this crack researcher pointing it all out to us.

(via MEMRI TV)

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