Scam Artist Preacher Benny Hinn: Give Me $1,000 and You’ll (Somehow) Become Rich! June 17, 2014

Scam Artist Preacher Benny Hinn: Give Me $1,000 and You’ll (Somehow) Become Rich!

Benny Hinn, the scam artist with a net worth of $42,000,000 who poses as a preacher and “heals” people (though he never releases their medical records), knows exactly what you have to do to make him yourself wealthier: Just send him $1,000.

No, really, God said so:

If you have been at a low-level harvest for a long time, then it’s time to release your prosperity with higher seed-level giving and a greater expectation of an unprecedented harvest. It’s time to move into high gear and release the prosperity anointing over yourself and your loved ones!

Today, I am asking you to move up to a higher level. I believe strongly that I am supposed to ask God’s people right now to prayerfully consider giving a sacrificial gift of $1,000.

We know that miracles happen when we give God something to work with.

So take that step of faith that moves you into a higher level of favor and increase. Sow a generous gift of $1,000 or whatever God places on your heart today.

I can tell you from personal experience that your life will never be the same!

Because if you give him a thousand dollars, then you’ll get incredibly wealthy! (And so will he, but let’s not belabor that point) And if you’re gullible enough to fall for the Christian version of the Nigerian Prince scam and don’t get your money back… well, then you’ll probably be too depressed about your missing grand to worry about writing a letter of complaint to the unreachable Hinn.

Actually, Hinn writes that he’s asking for $1,000 because there’s something special and biblical about the number 1000. But it’d be *crazy* to just ask for 1,000 pennies, right? Of course it would. Jesus totally meant dollars. American dollars.

You may recall that I wrote about Hinn last year when he was heckled at an airport:

(via Joe. My. God.)

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