NBC Apologizes Again for Omitting ‘Under God’ from Pledge of Allegiance July 13, 2011

NBC Apologizes Again for Omitting ‘Under God’ from Pledge of Allegiance

A few weeks ago, during the U.S. Open (golf) championship, NBC aired an introduction in which a slightly edited Pledge of Allegiance was said…

As you can hear, the phrase “Under God, Indivisible” was omitted. Considering the word “indivisible” was also lost in the shuffle, it sounds to me like an honest mistake and not a deliberate attempt to get God out of the Pledge.

The commentators apologized on the air later that afternoon, calling it “an editing mistake.”

That’s an old story, though. Why rehash it?

(Are you sitting down? You’re gonna wanna sit down for this…)

NBC has again apologized for their mistake. This time, to the United States Congress.

I’ll repeat that.

NBC apologized to Congress for a mistake they made during a golf broadcast.

The letter, signed by Kyle McSlarrow, president of NBC Universal, comes in response to a complaint by 107 members of Congress alleging that a montage shown during coverage of the U.S. Open golf tournament obscured America’s religious heritage.

McSlarrow expressed regret over the segment, saying “a serious error in judgment was made by a small group of people. To be absolutely clear, this was not an ideological decision by the company and was not discussed with or approved by any senior NBC official.”

McSlarrow was basically forced to respond after Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) and Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC) sent him this angry letter (PDF) on behalf of themselves and 106 other members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus:

As Members of Congress, we are disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in this way. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to remove all mention of religion from public life, and we remain dedicated to defending against such attempts. As a key player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, we are interested to know what steps NBC has taken to prevent America’s religious heritage from being obscured in this manner. We request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is not altered in future broadcasts.

That’s American politics for you. Our nation is in huge economic trouble, and Congress is at a near standstill because the two parties can’t find a compromise regarding the debt ceiling… but when some people accidentally leave God out of the Pledge during a sports broadcast, they’ll not only work together, they’ll act with lightning fast speed.

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  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Jade

    Shouldn’t someone be apologizing to us for adding “under God” in the first place?

  • Anonymous

    I have a lot of friends that have no idea that “under god” was added in the 50’s.  They think it’s original and use this as an argument when discussing religion and what the founding fathers had in mind.

  • Anonymous

    I have a lot of friends that have no idea that “under god” was added in the 50’s.  They think it’s original and use this as an argument when discussing religion and what the founding fathers had in mind.

  • Anonymous

    I have a lot of friends that have no idea that “under god” was added in the 50’s.  They think it’s original and use this as an argument when discussing religion and what the founding fathers had in mind.

  • Marshallsgirl23

    This just makes me sick.

  • Marshallsgirl23

    This just makes me sick.

  • Marshallsgirl23

    This just makes me sick.

  • Yup – 1954.  Sadly, that little bit of unconstitutionality was introduced by a representative from my native Michigan.  I apologize on behalf of my state.

  • Yup – 1954.  Sadly, that little bit of unconstitutionality was introduced by a representative from my native Michigan.  I apologize on behalf of my state.

  • Yup – 1954.  Sadly, that little bit of unconstitutionality was introduced by a representative from my native Michigan.  I apologize on behalf of my state.

  • Curt Cameron

    Let’s take the letter from the congressmen and file it for later. It will come in handy when the “under god” thing gets heard in the Supreme Court someday, and their side tries to argue that it’s just “ceremonial deism” and doesn’t really mean they’re talking about religion.

  • Curt Cameron

    Let’s take the letter from the congressmen and file it for later. It will come in handy when the “under god” thing gets heard in the Supreme Court someday, and their side tries to argue that it’s just “ceremonial deism” and doesn’t really mean they’re talking about religion.

  • Curt Cameron

    Let’s take the letter from the congressmen and file it for later. It will come in handy when the “under god” thing gets heard in the Supreme Court someday, and their side tries to argue that it’s just “ceremonial deism” and doesn’t really mean they’re talking about religion.

  • Curt Cameron

    Let’s take the letter from the congressmen and file it for later. It will come in handy when the “under god” thing gets heard in the Supreme Court someday, and their side tries to argue that it’s just “ceremonial deism” and doesn’t really mean they’re talking about religion.

  • Nathan

    I don’t see why the U.S. Open and NBC need to be endorsing God. They probably just wanted to be patriotic, but didn’t want that part in it. Although people still freak out.

    Then congress goes on to complain about how people are trying to take God out of the pledge, when they’re the ones who should know that it’s unconstitutional in the first place. Then to be stupid enough to say something added in the 50’s by religious fanatics is a representation of our religious heritage.

  • Nathan

    I don’t see why the U.S. Open and NBC need to be endorsing God. They probably just wanted to be patriotic, but didn’t want that part in it. Although people still freak out.

    Then congress goes on to complain about how people are trying to take God out of the pledge, when they’re the ones who should know that it’s unconstitutional in the first place. Then to be stupid enough to say something added in the 50’s by religious fanatics is a representation of our religious heritage.

  • Ray

    Each time I think a new low has been reached, someone manages to dig deeper. Really, the words to describe this simply do not exist. The country truly is totally insane.

  • Ray

    Each time I think a new low has been reached, someone manages to dig deeper. Really, the words to describe this simply do not exist. The country truly is totally insane.

  • Ray

    Each time I think a new low has been reached, someone manages to dig deeper. Really, the words to describe this simply do not exist. The country truly is totally insane.

  • Ray

    Each time I think a new low has been reached, someone manages to dig deeper. Really, the words to describe this simply do not exist. The country truly is totally insane.

  • Ray

    Each time I think a new low has been reached, someone manages to dig deeper. Really, the words to describe this simply do not exist. The country truly is totally insane.

  • Ray

    Each time I think a new low has been reached, someone manages to dig deeper. Really, the words to describe this simply do not exist. The country truly is totally insane.

  • Timmy

    This is what is the most pressing thing to Congress? Unbelievable. 

  • Timmy

    This is what is the most pressing thing to Congress? Unbelievable. 

  • Timmy

    This is what is the most pressing thing to Congress? Unbelievable. 

  • Timmy

    This is what is the most pressing thing to Congress? Unbelievable. 

  • Timmy

    This is what is the most pressing thing to Congress? Unbelievable. 

  • Gus Snarp

    Wow. My congressman didn’t sign it. I’m pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, you know something signed by members of Congress that endorses religion is really stupid if even my congressman didn’t sign it.

  • Gus Snarp

    Wow. My congressman didn’t sign it. I’m pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, you know something signed by members of Congress that endorses religion is really stupid if even my congressman didn’t sign it.

  • Gus Snarp

    Wow. My congressman didn’t sign it. I’m pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, you know something signed by members of Congress that endorses religion is really stupid if even my congressman didn’t sign it.

  • Gus Snarp

    Wow. My congressman didn’t sign it. I’m pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, you know something signed by members of Congress that endorses religion is really stupid if even my congressman didn’t sign it.

  • Gus Snarp

    Wow. My congressman didn’t sign it. I’m pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, you know something signed by members of Congress that endorses religion is really stupid if even my congressman didn’t sign it.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • Dear Congress,As an atheist and United States citizen, I am disturbed that the official Pledge of our nation was altered in 1958. We live in a society where there are increasing efforts to promote a national religion, and I remain dedicated to defend against such attempts. As a lone player in shaping the national dialogue through various media outlets, I am interested to know what steps you are taking to prevent America’s government from promoting a national religion. I request that you implement a policy to ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is returned to its pre-1958 state.

  • OverlappingMagisteria

    Ugggh. The proper response from NBC would’ve been no response at all to the congressmen. If a petulant child is whining, don’t respond; it only legitimizes their whining.

  • OverlappingMagisteria

    Ugggh. The proper response from NBC would’ve been no response at all to the congressmen. If a petulant child is whining, don’t respond; it only legitimizes their whining.

  • OverlappingMagisteria

    Ugggh. The proper response from NBC would’ve been no response at all to the congressmen. If a petulant child is whining, don’t respond; it only legitimizes their whining.

  • OverlappingMagisteria

    Ugggh. The proper response from NBC would’ve been no response at all to the congressmen. If a petulant child is whining, don’t respond; it only legitimizes their whining.

  • OverlappingMagisteria

    Ugggh. The proper response from NBC would’ve been no response at all to the congressmen. If a petulant child is whining, don’t respond; it only legitimizes their whining.

  • Anonymous

    obscured America’s religious heritage? What religious heritage?

  • Anonymous

    obscured America’s religious heritage? What religious heritage?

  • they do it because
    1.  80% of the American voting public believes in some kind of monotheistic God…  good for votes
    2.  Its easy, doesn’t cost anything, and they can
    3.  They like to stick it to non-monotheists…  Gives them a nice warm feeling inside.
    4.  They only support the constitution when it gives results they like.

  • they do it because
    1.  80% of the American voting public believes in some kind of monotheistic God…  good for votes
    2.  Its easy, doesn’t cost anything, and they can
    3.  They like to stick it to non-monotheists…  Gives them a nice warm feeling inside.
    4.  They only support the constitution when it gives results they like.

  • they do it because
    1.  80% of the American voting public believes in some kind of monotheistic God…  good for votes
    2.  Its easy, doesn’t cost anything, and they can
    3.  They like to stick it to non-monotheists…  Gives them a nice warm feeling inside.
    4.  They only support the constitution when it gives results they like.

  • they do it because
    1.  80% of the American voting public believes in some kind of monotheistic God…  good for votes
    2.  Its easy, doesn’t cost anything, and they can
    3.  They like to stick it to non-monotheists…  Gives them a nice warm feeling inside.
    4.  They only support the constitution when it gives results they like.

  • they do it because
    1.  80% of the American voting public believes in some kind of monotheistic God…  good for votes
    2.  Its easy, doesn’t cost anything, and they can
    3.  They like to stick it to non-monotheists…  Gives them a nice warm feeling inside.
    4.  They only support the constitution when it gives results they like.

  • Alex

    I like it. But edit it. It was 1954, I think.

  • Alex

    I like it. But edit it. It was 1954, I think.

  • Alex

    I like it. But edit it. It was 1954, I think.

  • Alex

    I like it. But edit it. It was 1954, I think.

  • Alex

    I like it. But edit it. It was 1954, I think.

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Annie

    The “how dare you!” tone of the letter is laughable, since it’s coming from a group of people who make a living by omitting pertinent information on a regular basis. 

  • Thank you Hemant for having the sense to realize it was just a mistake. I’ve read from so many atheists who think we should all send thank-you letters to NBC for doing that. It makes no sense to me. At atheist and humanist protests some people hold up signs and wear shirts saying “One Nation, Indivisible” and now those same people want to praise NBC for leaving those same words out of the pledge. It was just a stupid mistake and the “under god” omittance is sadly being sensationalized by both the religious right AND atheists.

  • The pledge not only asserts the existence of God, but it claims that he is in some sort of relationship with the United States. That’s not an acknowledgement of America’s religious (read Christian) heritage. It is an ESTABLISHMENT of religion.

  • The pledge not only asserts the existence of God, but it claims that he is in some sort of relationship with the United States. That’s not an acknowledgement of America’s religious (read Christian) heritage. It is an ESTABLISHMENT of religion.

  • The pledge not only asserts the existence of God, but it claims that he is in some sort of relationship with the United States. That’s not an acknowledgement of America’s religious (read Christian) heritage. It is an ESTABLISHMENT of religion.

  • The pledge not only asserts the existence of God, but it claims that he is in some sort of relationship with the United States. That’s not an acknowledgement of America’s religious (read Christian) heritage. It is an ESTABLISHMENT of religion.

  • And you know what? It doesn’t even have to be an establishment of religion to violate the Constitution. It just has to somehow respect the already-existing establishment of religion. And it does that very well.

  • Anonymous

     Oh no. I’m from Michigan and I didn’t even know that’s where it originated. I add my apology to yours on behalf of Michigan. Though sadly, I know many people who would be proud of this fact.

  • Anonymous

    At least my congressman didn’t sign this. It makes me feel a little better. But not much.

  • I’m glad my reps weren’t involved, but I don’t see why there is such a public outcry/issue made of even the hint of an omission. When atheists comment on the issue, there is a lot of “oh, it’s just one little phrase, you’re too sensitive” rhetoric, but leave it out for an ad campaign and it is worthy of congressional attention?  

  • I’m glad my reps weren’t involved, but I don’t see why there is such a public outcry/issue made of even the hint of an omission. When atheists comment on the issue, there is a lot of “oh, it’s just one little phrase, you’re too sensitive” rhetoric, but leave it out for an ad campaign and it is worthy of congressional attention?  

  • I’m glad my reps weren’t involved, but I don’t see why there is such a public outcry/issue made of even the hint of an omission. When atheists comment on the issue, there is a lot of “oh, it’s just one little phrase, you’re too sensitive” rhetoric, but leave it out for an ad campaign and it is worthy of congressional attention?  

  • Hitch

    I think congress should apologize for putting it in…

  • Anonymous

    The question I’d really like to know is: Why is the pledge of allegiance part of the broadcast?

  • Anonymous

    The question I’d really like to know is: Why is the pledge of allegiance part of the broadcast?

  • Anonymous

    The question I’d really like to know is: Why is the pledge of allegiance part of the broadcast?

  • fiddler

    Yep, that is a good idea. It definitely puts the lie to prior claims.

  • fiddler

    Yep, that is a good idea. It definitely puts the lie to prior claims.

  • fiddler

    Yep, that is a good idea. It definitely puts the lie to prior claims.

  • fiddler

    Yep, that is a good idea. It definitely puts the lie to prior claims.

  • fiddler

    Yep, that is a good idea. It definitely puts the lie to prior claims.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • rlrose328

    I don’t see my congressmen listed either, thank goodness… coming from the state with the largest (or 2nd largest, depending which list you believe), it would have been disheartening to find my reps there.

    That said, this entire mess is so full of fail, it’s astounding.

  • I guess it’s the heritage of using the government to promote religion.

  • I guess it’s the heritage of using the government to promote religion.

  • I guess it’s the heritage of using the government to promote religion.

  • I guess it’s the heritage of using the government to promote religion.

  • I guess it’s the heritage of using the government to promote religion.

  • I guess it’s the heritage of using the government to promote religion.

  • Hate to be a “me three,” but me three.

  • Hate to be a “me three,” but me three.

  • Hate to be a “me three,” but me three.

  • Hate to be a “me three,” but me three.

  • Hate to be a “me three,” but me three.

  • Hate to be a “me three,” but me three.

  • monyNH

    Not to mention that it was written for children. Elected officials throughout the 20th century had basically taken what was the equivalent of a nursery rhyme and made it as sacred as the founding documents. Morons.

  • monyNH

    Not to mention that it was written for children. Elected officials throughout the 20th century had basically taken what was the equivalent of a nursery rhyme and made it as sacred as the founding documents. Morons.

  • monyNH

    Not to mention that it was written for children. Elected officials throughout the 20th century had basically taken what was the equivalent of a nursery rhyme and made it as sacred as the founding documents. Morons.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • This is just disturbing.

  • Glad my rep didn’t sign it either, but then again my rep is Pete Stark, so no surprise :).

  • Glad my rep didn’t sign it either, but then again my rep is Pete Stark, so no surprise :).

  • Glad my rep didn’t sign it either, but then again my rep is Pete Stark, so no surprise :).

  • Glad my rep didn’t sign it either, but then again my rep is Pete Stark, so no surprise :).

  • Glad my rep didn’t sign it either, but then again my rep is Pete Stark, so no surprise :).

  • Bruce_wright

    One Nation, Under Golf, Indivisible….

  • Bruce_wright

    One Nation, Under Golf, Indivisible….

  • Bruce_wright

    One Nation, Under Golf, Indivisible….

  • Tom

    It’s just another example of taking carefully calculated offense to something.  I would love to see an elected official tell someone with an idiotic concern that their issue really isn’t a big deal and that they should see their doctor for a prescription of chill pills.

  • Tom

    It’s just another example of taking carefully calculated offense to something.  I would love to see an elected official tell someone with an idiotic concern that their issue really isn’t a big deal and that they should see their doctor for a prescription of chill pills.

  • Tom

    It’s just another example of taking carefully calculated offense to something.  I would love to see an elected official tell someone with an idiotic concern that their issue really isn’t a big deal and that they should see their doctor for a prescription of chill pills.

  • barker

    At least there’s this: if 107 members of Congress signed the letter, there are 328 members who were probably asked to sign and chose not to.

  • barker

    At least there’s this: if 107 members of Congress signed the letter, there are 328 members who were probably asked to sign and chose not to.

  • Tom

    It was a mistake on the part of NBC and if they are concerned about it then it is well within their rights to acknowledge and apologize.  The issue is that they were pressured to apologize to Congress.  There was no need for the government to get involved in this situation at all, and by doing so in the way that they did they are merely saying, in no uncertain terms, that a lack of belief in god is unacceptable in America – ergo, America is, according to the members who signed the letter, a Christian nation.

  • Tom

    It was a mistake on the part of NBC and if they are concerned about it then it is well within their rights to acknowledge and apologize.  The issue is that they were pressured to apologize to Congress.  There was no need for the government to get involved in this situation at all, and by doing so in the way that they did they are merely saying, in no uncertain terms, that a lack of belief in god is unacceptable in America – ergo, America is, according to the members who signed the letter, a Christian nation.

  • Tom

    It was a mistake on the part of NBC and if they are concerned about it then it is well within their rights to acknowledge and apologize.  The issue is that they were pressured to apologize to Congress.  There was no need for the government to get involved in this situation at all, and by doing so in the way that they did they are merely saying, in no uncertain terms, that a lack of belief in god is unacceptable in America – ergo, America is, according to the members who signed the letter, a Christian nation.

  • Tom

    It was a mistake on the part of NBC and if they are concerned about it then it is well within their rights to acknowledge and apologize.  The issue is that they were pressured to apologize to Congress.  There was no need for the government to get involved in this situation at all, and by doing so in the way that they did they are merely saying, in no uncertain terms, that a lack of belief in god is unacceptable in America – ergo, America is, according to the members who signed the letter, a Christian nation.

  • Tom

    It was a mistake on the part of NBC and if they are concerned about it then it is well within their rights to acknowledge and apologize.  The issue is that they were pressured to apologize to Congress.  There was no need for the government to get involved in this situation at all, and by doing so in the way that they did they are merely saying, in no uncertain terms, that a lack of belief in god is unacceptable in America – ergo, America is, according to the members who signed the letter, a Christian nation.

  • Tom

    It was a mistake on the part of NBC and if they are concerned about it then it is well within their rights to acknowledge and apologize.  The issue is that they were pressured to apologize to Congress.  There was no need for the government to get involved in this situation at all, and by doing so in the way that they did they are merely saying, in no uncertain terms, that a lack of belief in god is unacceptable in America – ergo, America is, according to the members who signed the letter, a Christian nation.

  • Inferno

    Shouldn’t the rest of us write to our Congressmen thanking them for not having signed the letter, regardless of the fact that they’re probably not part of the Caucus? It would certainly give them some idea of what we expect from them.

  • Inferno

    Shouldn’t the rest of us write to our Congressmen thanking them for not having signed the letter, regardless of the fact that they’re probably not part of the Caucus? It would certainly give them some idea of what we expect from them.

  • Inferno

    Shouldn’t the rest of us write to our Congressmen thanking them for not having signed the letter, regardless of the fact that they’re probably not part of the Caucus? It would certainly give them some idea of what we expect from them.

  • Inferno

    Shouldn’t the rest of us write to our Congressmen thanking them for not having signed the letter, regardless of the fact that they’re probably not part of the Caucus? It would certainly give them some idea of what we expect from them.

  • Sinfanti

    In case you’d like to share your thoughts with the gentlemen behind this, here is a head start for you.

    J. Randy Forbes – https://forbes.house.gov/Contact/zipauth.htm  – use zip code 23320
    Mike McIntyre – http://mcintyreforms.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx use zip code 28401

    I’m not registered in either of their districts, but knowing that they are wasting the time of so many members of Congress on this non-issue opens them up to fair criticism from all voters.

  • Sinfanti

    In case you’d like to share your thoughts with the gentlemen behind this, here is a head start for you.

    J. Randy Forbes – https://forbes.house.gov/Contact/zipauth.htm  – use zip code 23320
    Mike McIntyre – http://mcintyreforms.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx use zip code 28401

    I’m not registered in either of their districts, but knowing that they are wasting the time of so many members of Congress on this non-issue opens them up to fair criticism from all voters.

  • Sinfanti

    In case you’d like to share your thoughts with the gentlemen behind this, here is a head start for you.

    J. Randy Forbes – https://forbes.house.gov/Contact/zipauth.htm  – use zip code 23320
    Mike McIntyre – http://mcintyreforms.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx use zip code 28401

    I’m not registered in either of their districts, but knowing that they are wasting the time of so many members of Congress on this non-issue opens them up to fair criticism from all voters.

  • Sinfanti

    In case you’d like to share your thoughts with the gentlemen behind this, here is a head start for you.

    J. Randy Forbes – https://forbes.house.gov/Contact/zipauth.htm  – use zip code 23320
    Mike McIntyre – http://mcintyreforms.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx use zip code 28401

    I’m not registered in either of their districts, but knowing that they are wasting the time of so many members of Congress on this non-issue opens them up to fair criticism from all voters.

  • Sinfanti

    In case you’d like to share your thoughts with the gentlemen behind this, here is a head start for you.

    J. Randy Forbes – https://forbes.house.gov/Contact/zipauth.htm  – use zip code 23320
    Mike McIntyre – http://mcintyreforms.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx use zip code 28401

    I’m not registered in either of their districts, but knowing that they are wasting the time of so many members of Congress on this non-issue opens them up to fair criticism from all voters.

  • Liescm

    Congress does not have a problem with obscuring other parts of American history, *cough* built on slavery and genocide *cough*. 

  • Liescm

    Congress does not have a problem with obscuring other parts of American history, *cough* built on slavery and genocide *cough*. 

  • Liescm

    Congress does not have a problem with obscuring other parts of American history, *cough* built on slavery and genocide *cough*. 

  • Dan W

    NBC should never have apologized the first time. It’s not the end of the world just because the dumbest part of a pledge that’s already dumb was omitted.

  • Dan W

    NBC should never have apologized the first time. It’s not the end of the world just because the dumbest part of a pledge that’s already dumb was omitted.

  • Dan W

    NBC should never have apologized the first time. It’s not the end of the world just because the dumbest part of a pledge that’s already dumb was omitted.

  • Anonymous

    And how many of the letter’s signatories read the U.S. Constitution on the House floor earlier this year while omitting all those unfortunate references to “3/5 of all other persons”?  Political theater at it’s finest….. 

  • Anonymous

    And how many of the letter’s signatories read the U.S. Constitution on the House floor earlier this year while omitting all those unfortunate references to “3/5 of all other persons”?  Political theater at it’s finest….. 

  • Anonymous

    And how many of the letter’s signatories read the U.S. Constitution on the House floor earlier this year while omitting all those unfortunate references to “3/5 of all other persons”?  Political theater at it’s finest….. 

  • Anonymous

    And how many of the letter’s signatories read the U.S. Constitution on the House floor earlier this year while omitting all those unfortunate references to “3/5 of all other persons”?  Political theater at it’s finest….. 

  • Anonymous

    And how many of the letter’s signatories read the U.S. Constitution on the House floor earlier this year while omitting all those unfortunate references to “3/5 of all other persons”?  Political theater at it’s finest….. 

  • Esther

    As a former member of Mike McIntyre’s district, I just want to point out that in a lot of ways he is a democrat in name only.  He voted against “Obamacare” and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t tell and proudly touted an award he won a couple years back for his valiant efforts “in defense of marriage”.
    That said, I find it particularly disturbing that he is wasting his time on this garbage.  He lives in (and represents) Robeson County, NC – not just the poorest county in the state but the third poorest county in the entire country.  His hometown of Lumberton has a crime index that is consistently one of the 20 worst in the country, and the area has the worst health statistics in NC.  They do have a whole lot of churches, though.  Not that all their praying is doing them any good!

  • Esther

    As a former member of Mike McIntyre’s district, I just want to point out that in a lot of ways he is a democrat in name only.  He voted against “Obamacare” and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t tell and proudly touted an award he won a couple years back for his valiant efforts “in defense of marriage”.
    That said, I find it particularly disturbing that he is wasting his time on this garbage.  He lives in (and represents) Robeson County, NC – not just the poorest county in the state but the third poorest county in the entire country.  His hometown of Lumberton has a crime index that is consistently one of the 20 worst in the country, and the area has the worst health statistics in NC.  They do have a whole lot of churches, though.  Not that all their praying is doing them any good!

  • Esther

    As a former member of Mike McIntyre’s district, I just want to point out that in a lot of ways he is a democrat in name only.  He voted against “Obamacare” and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t tell and proudly touted an award he won a couple years back for his valiant efforts “in defense of marriage”.
    That said, I find it particularly disturbing that he is wasting his time on this garbage.  He lives in (and represents) Robeson County, NC – not just the poorest county in the state but the third poorest county in the entire country.  His hometown of Lumberton has a crime index that is consistently one of the 20 worst in the country, and the area has the worst health statistics in NC.  They do have a whole lot of churches, though.  Not that all their praying is doing them any good!

  • Esther

    As a former member of Mike McIntyre’s district, I just want to point out that in a lot of ways he is a democrat in name only.  He voted against “Obamacare” and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t tell and proudly touted an award he won a couple years back for his valiant efforts “in defense of marriage”.
    That said, I find it particularly disturbing that he is wasting his time on this garbage.  He lives in (and represents) Robeson County, NC – not just the poorest county in the state but the third poorest county in the entire country.  His hometown of Lumberton has a crime index that is consistently one of the 20 worst in the country, and the area has the worst health statistics in NC.  They do have a whole lot of churches, though.  Not that all their praying is doing them any good!

  • It doesn’t help when we have ignorant people in the national spotlight, saying things like this:

    Questionnaire: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

  • It doesn’t help when we have ignorant people in the national spotlight, saying things like this:

    Questionnaire: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

  • It doesn’t help when we have ignorant people in the national spotlight, saying things like this:

    Questionnaire: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

  • It doesn’t help when we have ignorant people in the national spotlight, saying things like this:

    Questionnaire: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.

  • Egads! Archie Bunker has been reincarnated as a woman!

  • Egads! Archie Bunker has been reincarnated as a woman!

  • Egads! Archie Bunker has been reincarnated as a woman!

  • Egads! Archie Bunker has been reincarnated as a woman!

  • Egads! Archie Bunker has been reincarnated as a woman!

  • JulietEcho

    Me four 🙁

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