It’s been nearly two years since the former president of American Atheists Ellen Johnson has made any public appearances.
That reclusion ends this weekend.
In a coup that we never thought possible, New York City Atheists has managed to get Ellen Johnson, the former president of American Atheists, to come speak to us on April 11 to commemorate the birthday of the late Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists. Johnson’s topic will be: “Madalyn O’Hair: All the Things That She Did Right.”
Johnson has consented to speak at New York City Atheists’ Brunch on April 11, 2010 to honor the woman who was brave enough to come out as an Atheist long before it was acceptable — or even safe. Madalyn suffered a beating by the Baltimore police, persecution, vandalism of her home and automobile, loss of her job and verbal vilification such as rarely happens to Atheists today. And Johnson wants us to know that though Madalyn was dubbed “The Most Hated Woman in America,” she was actually beloved by many.
If you’re in the area, this is a talk you won’t want to miss.
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It’s Moving Day for the Friendly ..."
It’s Moving Day for the Friendly ..."
It’s Moving Day for the Friendly ..."