Even Beyond the Bible, Evangelical Schools Teach Some Awful Things February 16, 2021

Even Beyond the Bible, Evangelical Schools Teach Some Awful Things

Drew McCoy (a.k.a. Genetically Modified Skeptic) went to an evangelical Christian college. He’s now an atheist and has some distance from his time in school, which is a great opportunity to look back at the beliefs he accepted when he was there.

There’s a lot of repression, followed by sin, followed by guilt. And real critical thinking is discouraged because following your religious doubts could lead to expulsion.

As Drew says, it’s easy to dismiss these beliefs as absurd, but they’re actually much worse than that. They’re harmful. For many students, they can lead to trauma. Just because some of them eventually grow out of those beliefs doesn’t mean everyone does. But nothing’s going to change unless more people with direct knowledge speak out about their experiences.

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