Jehovah’s Witnesses Leader: COVID-19 Signals the “Last Day of the Last Days” March 20, 2020

Jehovah’s Witnesses Leader: COVID-19 Signals the “Last Day of the Last Days”

In case you’re wondering how some religions are coping with the outbreak of COVID-19, just look to the Jehovah’s Witnesses to see how absurd reactions can get.

In a recent video featuring Governing Body member Stephen Lett, he absolutely delights in the disease because he sees it as a signal that Armageddon is imminent. (Hallelujah!)

So the events unfolding around us are making clear, [more] than ever, that we’re living in the final part of the Last Days. Undoubtedly, the final part of the final part of the Last Days, shortly before the last day of the Last Days.

If that makes sense to you, then… congratulations? Being blissfully ignorant in the wake of a global disaster must be nice.

(Thanks to Sacha for the link)

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