February 4, 2013
South Carolina School District Insists on Keeping Student-Led Invocations at Board Meetings
February 3, 2013
The Super Bowl Commercial That Mocked Religious Believers
February 3, 2013
President Obama: ‘Nobody Should be Barred’ from the Boy Scouts… but Atheists Still Will Be
February 3, 2013
Catholic School Asks Female Students to Stop Cursing… but Not Male Students
February 3, 2013
The Less Than 1%: How Uganda’s Atheists Are Fighting Back

In many countries around the world, religious groups are pushing for conservative social policies and retaining their grip on society by dominating the public discourse and provision of social services. In Uganda, an extraordinarily religious country, the small but vocal atheist movement is pushing back — hard. Although Ugandan law guarantees religious freedom, the reality is more complex. A 2010 Pew survey found that 99% of survey respondents in Uganda identified as religious, with 86% of them identifying as Christian and 13% as Muslim. That leaves 1% of the population to represent minority faiths (including Hinduism, African traditional belief systems, Baha’i, etc) — and the non-religious. It’s worth noting that the religious population in Uganda is also, well, religious, with 86% of respondents indicating that religion is “very important” in their lives, 82% attending religious services weekly, and 71% of Christians and 74% of Muslims stating that their holy books are the literal word of God. This is no mere Sunday Christianity: it infuses every aspect of people’s lives. Read more

February 3, 2013
A Talk on Raising Humanist Children
February 2, 2013
Why Do People Love Books About Heaven?
February 2, 2013
27% of Americans Believe God Wants Their Team to Win
February 2, 2013
Atheist Group Raises Money for Charity By Selling Hugs
February 2, 2013
Atheist Rapper Ensomniak’s Latest Song: ‘He’s Coming Back’
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