November 15, 2013
This Must Be What Christian Apologists Think a College Philosophy Class is Like

Remember the trailer for the forthcoming Christian movie God’s Not Dead? It featured a mean atheist professor (played by Kevin Sorbo) and a brave Christian student… As I said before, it was as if someone turned Snopes, the urban-legend debunking website, into a movie. Well, just posted a 9-minute movie on YouTube that is somehow even more cliché than that. But without the post-production and raw celebrity power. It features a professor who walks into a (I presume philosophy) classroom and announces that God isn’t real and that Christianity is a big lie — something that has happened zero times in the history of ever. Several students walk out of class, angry and upset, leaving behind a small group of men to fend for the faith — the female students are never heard from again. Turns out a couple of the guys know *all* the apologetic arguments… Read more

November 15, 2013
Christian School Boots Kids With Gay Parents For Failing ‘Biblical Moral Code’
November 15, 2013
Apply for the 2014 American Atheists Scholarship!
November 14, 2013
Pat Robertson: When Your Son Comes Out as Gay, Ask If He’s Been Molested
November 14, 2013
A Christian Homeless Shelter in Kansas City Rejected Atheist Volunteers, but Others Are Extending an Invitation

Earlier this week, I posted about how the Kansas City Atheist Coalition had volunteered to deliver meals to the hungry on Thanksgiving through the Kansas City Rescue Mission… but were told by the Christian charity that their services wouldn’t be needed: As KCAC President Josh Hyde said: Kansas City Rescue Mission has decided to use the meals they deliver as a chance to proselytize to its recipients by inserting religious literature into the meals. They informed us that we “would not be a good fit” (emphasis theirs) for volunteering with them, and declined to respond to any further inquiries. Since the story broke, KCAC has received a crazy amount of media attention, and with that, came new opportunities. It turns out that other charities, Christian and non-Christian, are happy to have all the help they can get even if it involves working with heathens: Read more

November 14, 2013
After Lawsuit Threat, South Carolina Elementary School Cancels Partnership with Proselytizing Christian Charity
November 14, 2013
Is the Italian Mob Trying to Assassinate Pope Francis?
November 14, 2013
Are Republicans Unfairly Pegged as Anti-Science? (Mostly No)

Are Republicans being unfairly maligned as the anti-science party? The easy answer to that is, “don’t be ridiculous, and what right-wing industry lobby is funding that question?” But to Mischa Fisher, a former House GOP science policy staffer who described himself as “a politically centrist atheist,” the answer is yes, and the stereotype is harming science generally. In a piece in The Atlantic, Fisher argues that Democrats are, more or less, just as prone to anti-scientific thinking as Republicans, but on different subjects, and that Republicans aren’t nearly as backward on science acceptance as their more extreme clown-characters like Paul Broun and Michele Bachmann would make them seem to be. At the outset, let me just say I agree with where Fisher is going with his argument, but its presentation is flawed. First, the problems. Read more

November 14, 2013
A Christian Explanation for Why Living Together Before Marriage is the Worst Idea You’ve Ever Had

Earlier this week, we discussed 27-year-old tattooed rebel Matt Walsh and his terrible, harmful views on sex. The gist of Walsh’s post was that if you have sex with someone before you get married, you’re pretty much the worst, your future spouse will hate you, and all you’ll have left to look forward to is a long, horrible life of empty, second-hand banging. Now, I know Walsh isn’t the only religious fella obsessed with virginity. In fact, it’s a pretty solid theme across most major religions. So imagine my lack of surprise when this came across my desk: 5 Reasons Shacking Up Before Marriage Is a Bad Idea Now, as a current shacker-upper myself, I was pretty excited to hear what promised to be five super-solid reasons I should move out of my lovely apartment in Chicago since it’s been tainted with the pre-marital-living-together-ness of my boyfriend and me. So, let’s start with #1 and work our way down, shall we? Read more

November 14, 2013
This Must Be Justin Lookadoo’s Twitter Feed
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