November 28, 2020
Lying GOP Congressman: “There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Pro-Choice Pastor'”
November 28, 2020
Pope Francis: We Shouldn’t Oppose COVID Restrictions in the Name of “Freedom”
November 28, 2020
Preacher Sean Feucht to Hold Another COVID-Spreading Concert on New Year’s Eve
November 27, 2020
Podcast Ep. 350: The Supreme Court Gave a Gift to COVID-Denying Churches
November 27, 2020
Preacher: Even If the Prophets Were Wrong About Trump Winning, It Doesn’t Matter
November 27, 2020
Idaho Lt. Gov. Wants to Spend Taxpayer Money on Discredited “Disinfectant Cubes”
November 26, 2020
Everything Wrong With Genesis 36 in the Bible
November 26, 2020
UK Court Rejects Paralyzed Man’s Lawsuit That Would Allow Assisted Death
November 26, 2020
Montana Man Who Tore Down Ten Commandments Monument Near Courthouse Found Guilty
November 26, 2020
Supreme Court: NY Can’t Enforce Strict COVID Restrictions on Houses of Worship
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