January 30, 2021
Christian Mom: eHarmony Ad with Lesbians Eating Ice Cream “Brainwashes” Viewers
January 29, 2021
These Creationists Learned a Weird Lesson from Sloths
January 29, 2021
Eric Metaxas: Companies That Won’t Sell MyPillow Products Are Like Nazi Germany
January 29, 2021
TX Pastor Who Ignored Abuse in His Church Denounces Biden and “Jezebel Harris”
January 29, 2021
AR House Passes Bill to Let Churches Hold Super-Spreader Events in a Pandemic
January 28, 2021
Here’s How God Created Prayer (and Why It Doesn’t Make Any Sense)
January 28, 2021
Lying Preacher: Heaven Says Trump is the “Government Leader on Planet Earth”
January 28, 2021
Ontario Court: Vaccines Are Safe, Effective, and In Children’s Best Interests
January 28, 2021
Despite Massive Protests, Poland’s Near-Total Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect
January 28, 2021
Christian School Expels 8-Year-Old Girl Who Had a Crush on Another Girl
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